Mobile Application

Are you mobile? Do you have employees on the field with requirement to access your company terminal? Do you need to scan barcodes to enter information on your terminal?

Check out our mobile application. It's free and saves your investment.

If you have on the field operators or employees in your warehouse then our mobile solution is ideal. When loosing connection or switching from network to network our mobile app will keep active telnet connection. Reentering into last application state is easy without continuous login procedure.

If you need to enter a lot of data into terminal by scanning barcodes our barcode scan add-on feature with support for multiple barcodes will ease that task. Just select SCAN option and point your mobile camera to barcode for automatic recognition and entry into terminal. We have partnered with one of world leaders in development of mobile optical recognition solutions to give you the best quality.

Do you worry about security? Our mobile application support full SSL encryption including client side access verification. Even SSL is not used, standard RSA and AES encryption is used for data exchange providing additional security level.

Do you have thousands of employees and tablet devices is all they need but you need 5250 terminal solution also?
It is always more affordable to buy thousands of tablets than thousands of laptops. This can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars on equipment renewal.

Do you need to extend terminal application for specific use? You can develop your own custom modules like NFC module which will forward detected data to web terminal for automatic entry.

Use powerful API within customization scripts to suit custom needs. Integrate custom module to send data in trigger mode which will initiate your custom script processing.

Use custom CSS styling to create your own UI themes. For example, for different environments like production, testing and development.

Check out supported barcodes at the end of the page.


Mobile application

Application features Description

Free of charge

No additional cost. Application is free for use with Green Screen Services.

Biometric security

Protected access with fingerprint reader or security keys. No need for external application. Based on FIDO and WebAuthn specifications.

OTP security

Protected access with OTP tokens including OTP manager. No need for external application.

YubiKey security

Protected access with NFC based YubiKey for FIDO and OTP standards. No need for external application.

Encrypted SSL and TLS support

Full support for SSL/TLS including support for client side certificates for additional security.

Network switch protection

Continue working even mobile device does a network switch.

Virtual printer

Print SCS spool to PDF or text or raw mode for thermal BT or wireless printers.

Zebra printer

Print SCS spool to Zebra printers.

Barcode optical recognition

Barcode engine is used for OTP registration, network access, protected WTMA access or data scanning for terminal data entry.

Full RTL input support

Full RTL support for Hebrew and Arabic languages.

Unicode character encoding

Full Unicode support and 80+ EBCIDIC code pages will ensure no data entry issues.

Full 5250 keyboard

Application have embedded customized keyboard with special 5250 keys support. Also, key toolbar is available to support standard Android keyboards.

Keyboard float and lock in

Split screen between keyboard and terminal or float over the terminal.

Touch gestures

Use gestures on terminal screen for better user experience.

Screen orientation support

Screen rotation lock-in or autorotate, no session loss.

Screen modernization

Modern UI layer on top of terminal screen for easier data entry.

Plugin extendable

Create your own mobile app integrated with Green Screen Terminal as a set of plugins

Barcode support

List of barcode standards supported by barcode scan optical recognition engine.