About Technology

This is the only 5250 terminal with OTP based 2FA, and Biometric access protection based on FIDO and WebAuthn standards including out of the box encryption
regardless if SSL is used.

As our product is oriented to online access and full cloud support, we take a lot of attention into implementing latest security standards into our products.

As Green Screens Terminal service serves as an isolation layer between your server and online users, we needed not only to encrypt data that flows from desktop to the server, but also, we needed to protect users itself.

Our product protects your server from unauthorized use by protecting user login with latest security standards as FIDO and WebAuthn for browsers. Implemented security measures include biometric access control, 2FA OTP access control and safe barcode-based access control.


Main Points

Browser to cloud encryption

We use SSL access and/or dynamic AES/RSA encryption to protect passwords and screen data exchange. Additionally, screen data is compressed with ultra-fast algorithm for additional performance.

Cloud to host encryption

We support SSL protected data exchange for hosts supporting SSL encryption.

Cloud to host password security

For auto signon screens we use encrypted data exchange only. Encryption is based on DES or SHA1 encryption schemes described in RFC specification

URL sharing protection

Prevent reuse of encrypted web terminal URLs by other browsers. Protect sharing access URL's by email and other online services. Protect online session tokens from unauthorized reuse.

2-Factor sign-on

This is the only 5250 terminal product on the market for IBM I supporting signon with the help of OTP tokens. Browser and mobile application both support OTP based 2FA.

Virtual host name

We use virtual naming scheme to not to disclose real host IP address. When host is configured, virtual name is attached and used for online access.

Personal data exchange protection

We encrypt all personal info with AES-192 and RSA-2048 encryption at the browser side before sending the data regardless if SSL is used or not.

Personal data storage protection

Data in our cloud database storage is stored in encrypted AES/RSA form. Private key for decryption is not shared or stored online.

Certificate based access control

Control use of resources by client certificates limiting access by certificate information. Add certificate fingerprint-based access blocking and many more.

Biometric sign-on

This is the only 5250 terminal for IBM I supporting signon with the biometric scanners as fingerprint readers. Based on FIDO protocol and WebAuth protocol.


Main Points

Event Based Networking

Classic servers use thread-based networking where every session use one or more threads. Event based networking use processor tailored number of threads shared among sessions reducing resource usage and improving performance. This technology is already proven at big online payment engines.

Zero Byte Copy

"Zero-copy" describes computer operations in which the CPU does not perform the task of copying data from one memory area to another. This is frequently used to save CPU cycles and memory bandwidth when transmitting a file over a network. More here.

Binary data stream

Today, modern browsers support byte buffers which reqiures less data for transport than JOSON or XML. Because of this approach, maximum data transfer for one screen does not exceeds 2KB. This is great for low bandwidth network but also reduce cloud pricing for data transfers.

Asynchronous WebSockets

WebSockets enables two-way bi-directional communication without multiple connections reopening and handshakes. Also, WebSockets are tailored for event-based networking enabling high number of concurrent connections. This have significant impact on improved performance.

Ultra fast compression

We use modified ultra-fast compressor for data transfer between our servers and browsers which can compress about 650MB/sec. Data is not only reduced in size, but transfers are much faster. This enables very good response even on low bandwidth networks.

Cloud autoscaling capabilities

We are running our system in one of the best in the world cloud environments already proven in last 6 years. Cloud platform greatly simplifies management but also automatic resource allocation. We can scale immediately from 1 user to 1 million users.


Main Points

Integrate terminal

Our terminal can be easily integrated as a component into any development platform that supports WebView components. From Android, Java, JavaFX to dotNet etc.

EHLL replacement

With powerful access to the internal structure of WebView and easy integration with native and JavaScript code it is easy to retrieve or send information similar to EHLL API.